My first journalism gig has included a steep learning curve. I write a weekly column (usually about nonsensical stuff like gardening, but sometimes I take a break from discussions about harvesting potatoes to criticize area schools for cutting second-language classes). I cover town council and agriculture. It has been an incredible learning experience.

More recently, I took on half of the football beat. My editor covers one team, I cover the other. I’m pretty sure my team is feeling short-changed.

I’m a sports-ignorant reporter in a football-crazy province.

Still, I persevered. I went out and got some newspaper-worthy photos. I interviewed some coaches and they didn’t laugh at me (until after I turned the recorder off).

One of the biggest challenges has been avoiding the referees, lines people (??), coaches and spectators who like to stand on the edge of the field. Here are some of my most spectacular failures, along with the self-doubt I was likely experiencing at the time.


I wonder what a wide receiver is. Wait, are there wide receivers in six-man football? Maybe I’ll just refer to them all as players.


Ah yes, red flags. Those things that slow down the game and make coaches mad.


They want a touchdown. But how many points is that? And what’s the thing they kick the ball through after?


What’s the orange thing for?

dsc_0259This one doesn’t get a caption, it just gets a sigh…. Gosh darn it, ref (if that’s even your real name).